Discovery Bible Study
How did you do with what you learned last week? (10 minutes)
Do this accountability step beginning with Week #3. If someone was not able to do what they said they would do, ask “Is there something this group can do to help you do it this week?” How did you do with last week’s “I Will”? With whom did you share last week’s lesson? How did you put into practice what you learned from last week’s lesson?
What are you thankful for? (5-7 minutes)
An easy way to jump into the group: Call on someone by name, “Sara, what are you thankful for today?” This question will help you expose the group to prayer. Prayer is expressing our thanks to God. Eventually you will be able to show them to how to express thanks to God rather than one another.
What is the biggest challenge you are facing today? (5-7 minutes)
Authenticity is key to a community of Jesus followers. This question helps people learn how to relate deeper. Be careful though, this question can lead to time management issues in the group. Using the word, “today” or “one thing” can help limit the discussion so this question doesn’t derail the group.
Do you know someone you could serve this week? (5-7 minutes)
This could be your neighbour, workmate or someone in this group. This doesn’t have to be some “huge” thing, just a specific act of service.
What is God is saying? (35 minutes)
Ask 2 people to read the passage aloud in different versions. Have 1 person re-tell the passage in their own words. Appoint that person before the passage is read. Ask others to help add to what may have been missed or their insights.Don't teach or explain. Ask, What do you think? What did you like? What bothered you? What does it tell us about God? About us? About the life God desires for us? Don’t bring other passages into the discussion. Ask, Where do you get that from this passage? Don't teach or explain.
If this is God speaking, what will you do about it?(20 minutes)
Take a few minutes of silence to let each person develop their “I will” statement.Then ask someone to start sharing what they came up with.Develop a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic & time bound) statement that will put into practice what you learned from the passage. Examples: “I will take 10 minutes a day to reflect on how much God loves me.” or “I will begin to recycle because God has given me the earth to take care of.” Encourage everyone to record their “I Will”.
With whom will you share what you learned this week? (5 minutes)
Share with at least 1 person this week.Preferably someone who is not in a relationship with God and who is already in your relational network.
Group Bible Passage List
Note: Toward the end of the meeting on week 5, 6, or 7, explain and assign a 3-Column Study using the following week’s passage. During the following meeting, instead of reading the passage out loud and having one person explain in their own words, each person should use their completed 3-Column Study as the group discusses the passage. Each person should also share their I Will and I Share from the 3-Column Study.