Rhythm of Life

Field Church: Rhythm of Life

Here at Field, we want to put Jesus at the centre of our lives - to delight in Him, show His love to others, and do the miraculous things He’s doing. As this doesn’t happen by chance, we follow a daily, weekly, and annual ‘rhythm of life’. Our rhythm is based on a range of practices[1] that followers of Jesus have used for millennia.

Here’s how most people at Field Church choose[2] to arrange their lives:


  • We read and study the bible

  • We find time to be alone and quiet, to talk with and hear from Jesus


  • We gather to worship, study the bible, and build each other up (Sun am)

  • We pray as a community, both in person (Mon) and online (Wed)

  • We meet in each others’ homes to share our lives, food, and faith (Tue - Thu)

  • We fast (Wed)

  • We stop to rest and ‘Sabbath’ (Sat or Sun)

  • We seek opportunities to serve and live out Jesus’ love


  • We give our time, energy, and money to the things God is doing in Bristol and around the world

  • We welcome people into our homes and share hospitality

  • We gather to worship and pray (3rd Friday)


  • We go away for a weekend as Field Church to worship, laugh, and learn (Sep)

  • We take hold of opportunities to bless others, learn, and serve on ministry trips, at workshops, and at conferences (ad hoc)

[1] You can find out more about these and other practices - sometimes called spiritual disciplines - in many places. For a good introduction, we recommend reading Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer. Richard Foster, John Ortberg, and Dallas Willard offer more in-depth guides.

[2] The point of the rhythm is to become more like Jesus in how we think, talk, and behave; it’s never about earning God’s approval or fitting in at Field. Above everything, we just want a deeper relationship with Jesus. In this way, people should adjust what and when they practice to fit what’s most helpful to building their relationship with Jesus.