Partner with Us In Investing in a Place to Gather, Grow & Give for Generations to Come.

As Field Church, we are excited about the journey God is leading us on, as we seek to secure a permanent home for our community. This building will not only provide a space for us to gather and worship but will also serve as a hub for ministries, outreach programmes, and community upliftment projects. It’s a place where we can expand God's Kingdom and bring transformation to Bristol.

As part of this mission, we invite you to partner with us in making this vision a reality. Whether through one-time or recurring donations, your giving will directly support the purchase, renovation, and the development of this new space. Your generosity will enable us to continue to grow, serve, and reach many people with the love of Jesus.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact Liz Nixon at

You can view a detailed breakdown of the costs for the building here: Etloe Overview


You can use the secure online payment method on this page (choose a once off or recurring amount) or you can do a direct bank transfer. Our bank details for bank transfers are as follows:

Bank Details for Transfers (specify as 'building'):

Sort Code:
Account No: 67 310 791
Charity No: 104 54 52
IBAN: GB51 CPBK 0892 9967 3107 91

If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please fill in our online form below.

All contributions to Field Church are overseen by a dedicated team of trustees who ensure that every gift is used effectively to further the work of our church in blessing our city and expanding God’s Kingdom. Specifically, all donations towards the building will be allocated to acquiring and renovating the space, as well as resourcing Kingdom initiatives that will be carried out from the space, in alignment with the vision set by the Field leadership team.

Thank you for partnering with us in this exciting chapter of Field Church.



Who will know about my donation?

  • As with all donations to Field Vineyard, the only person who sees the detail of donations is the Business Manager, Liz Nixon, and if necessary, the Chair of Trustees, Jacqui Crawley. 

Methods of Donation:

  • While we encourage ongoing giving to support normal ministry operations, we are specifically asking for over-and-above contributions towards this building project. Donations can be made either to the restricted building fund or to the general fund, which will be directed to this purpose.

  • Bank Transfer:
    This is the quickest and most efficient way to donate. Please use the reference "Building Fund" to ensure your donation is allocated specifically to the building fund.

  • Field's Website:
    You can donate via the website by selecting the "Building Fund 2025" option. However, please note that the processing company will take a 2% fee. For maximum efficiency, we recommend giving via bank transfer or cheque.

  • Gift Aid:
    If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please consider using it, as it makes your donation worth even more to us. A Gift Aid form is available below.

How did we find this building?

  • Caleb discovered Etloe in 2024 and learned that the church was closing and preparing to sell. After months of discussions, we secured an agreement in December 2024.

Is the building in good condition?

  • Yes! We’ve conducted a survey, and while some improvements are needed, it’s usable right away.

Will other churches or organisations help?

  • Yes—Severn, Lighthouse, and Vineyard UK have provided guidance, and we’ll apply for grants to support renovations.


We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this form. Gift Aid enables us to reclaim an additional 25p from the government for every pound donated. This added benefit makes your gift go even further in providing assistance to those in need.


When you step into a relationship with Jesus one of the first things he calls us into is the act of generosity. It is our call as followers of Christ to give faithfully and sacrificially. We start with our tithe, which means 10% of our income.

We believe we are also called to give sacrificially above and beyond our tithe to expand what God is doing locally and globally through his church.

When you give to Field, you are creating more room for more people to experience the love of Jesus. You become a part of a tribe that is focused on reaching the world for Jesus and creating the future of the church for the next generation.

“On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.”

Field Church (Bristol Vineyard) is a company limited by guarantee, and a registered charity (number 1045452).