We love to pray and join God in seeing justice, salvation and freedom come to the earth.
We have weekly prayer meetings in-person and online.
See our events calendar for details.
Prayer is a powerful way to find healing. If you have a need for personal, emotional or physical healing please get in touch.
Your prayer request will be dealt with sensitively and confidentially by an experienced member of our prayer team. Please submit your prayer request below.
What is Immanuel Prayer?
Immanuel means “God with us” and this promise is the foundation for the whole ministry of Immanuel Prayer. Immanuel Prayer is a one to one prayer process of connecting deeply and personally with Jesus and removing barriers to an intimate, interactive lifestyle of connection with Him. Jesus loves to bring his healing and peace and help us to see ourselves, our circumstances and others as He does. The intention is that each session increases your capacity to remain securely connected to Jesus through the ups and downs of life.
Who is Immanuel Prayer for?
It is for anyone and everyone wishing to experience greater intimacy with Jesus. Immanuel Prayer is a great way to come and relax into simply being with Jesus, gently guided by a trained facilitator and can be especially helpful if you are struggling to sense God’s presence or to hear Him speak to you.
Who facilitates Immanuel Prayer?
We have a trained team of people who would love to coach you through an encounter with Jesus.
How long does a session last and what should I expect?
Each session lasts about an hour and takes place over zoom. It begins with an opening prayer and a moment of quiet where you will be invited to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind a time of special connection or great joy. From there, along with some reflective questions from the facilitator, we trust Jesus to guide the session, to do what He knows best. You only share what you are comfortable sharing - everything else can stay between you and Him.
You are welcome to book in for a one off session, however as Jesus continually wants to draw us closer and work in our lives, we highly recommend a number of sessions over a period of time.
For more information, email hello@field.church or to sign up for a session, please click below.