There is power in a name.
Hi Friends,
We have recently announced that we are changing our name from Bristol Vineyard. For those who weren’t able to be at our Sunday gathering when we made the announcement, we wanted to create a space here to explain the reasons why.
BV has from the outset been a church with a desire to raise up and send out people to plant new churches. This desire is still in our DNA and we are excited about the coming plant in Totterdown led by the Kishtainy's. Our hope is that this is the first of many new churches that we will be part of supporting and planting. Practically, we want to change our name from Bristol Vineyard to remove any confusion and create space for other Vineyard churches in the city.
There is power in a name. Names can shape outcomes and give direction. We want to have a name that compels us into the desires of God. This is why we are going to be changing our name to Field Vineyard Church.
There are two verses in scripture which have directed us in choosing the name Field. One is in Matthew chapter thirteen when Jesus tells the story of a man who finds a treasure hidden in a field and goes off to sell all that he owns in order to buy the field, this is an exciting invitation for us as a church to be like this man in pursuing the Kingdom of God with all that we have. It is a reminder for us of all that we have found in God and also all that we have to offer others in inviting them into His kingdom.
We want to be a church that encourages and enables people to find for themselves the reality of God's Kingdom and in doing this experience His joy.
Then in Matt 9 v 35-38 it says– ‘Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” .’
This stands out as a wonderful invitation for us to be a church who not only have discovered the treasure of God for ourselves but are also active in seeking after His kingdom coming in our city and across the world. Our prayer is that we will be these people who go out into the field and reap the harvest for king Jesus.
Our hope is that we will be a Kingdom of God centred church that values worship, intimacy and discipleship, as well as prioritising compassion, mission and church planting.
Lastly, we looked at our geographic location in Bristol. Considering that historically many of the church's gatherings have been within the Horfield neighbourhood and we meet at Fairfield on Sundays, we decided that Field is a fitting name for us going forward.
I hope this helps explain our motives and process and also that it excites you to join us in the adventure of God building up and growing His church in Bristol.
Much love,
Caleb, Jess, Tim and Julie