The International Psalm

My heart sings praises for your wonderful creations

Lord your know my heart; my every cell, tissue and thought is yours

Lord you know what I’ll say, yet you still listen.

I have wrestled, toiled and mourned, yet your loved compels my being to sacrifice my brokenness.

Hear my prayer, O Lord; let your arms wrap around me.

Better the One who listens than a thousand who don’t.

But the Lord is the Lord of everything, and has made the way to wholeness. Therefore I will trust in Him to infinity.

God, you are steadfast, unshakeable, our firm foundation.

Psalm 151

You are my king, majestic in all your ways.

You have always been kind and gentle to me.

I love to sing of your goodness and mercy and great love.

You are my guardian and always guide me when I turn to you.

My lips will tell of your wonders and who you are.

The Lord is my rescuer, He calms my troubled waters;

When I struggle in the depths and waves it is He who leads me to shore.

You have found me and healed me. 

You are compassionate and worthy to be blessed.

You have always been here and the enemy has been defeated.

The Lord is above all of us.

The Ransom Psalm

The Lord Almighty is our inspiration. The Lord Almighty is our rock. God you are Good! The Lord is the Holy One.

God you speak to me in the silence and the noise of life. Therefore I will come into your presence without fear of condemnation and find ways to bless you in everything I do. It is He who sings over me.

Let me walk in your endless love. Let me walk in His goodness and mercy.

Lord you know me. You have made me in my mother’s womb. I am intricately made.

He says, I am who I am. I am the Lord.

I struggle with finding time in your presence, daily life always seems to get in the way.

Yet, the Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.

Yet the Lord is good! His mercy is never ending. He is faithful to the end.

Yet the Lord is gracious and good and kind and His door is always open.

Live and grow, gracious and forgiving; life to all things, as He is still alive!

A Psalm

The Lord is Gracious and compassionate, in my life you have always been there for me.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  In my life you have not let me down.

Come, see what the Lord has done; He has provided for my every need and guided me all the days of my life. My lips will sing you praises all the days of my life.

The Lord is slow to anger.

Not all things are good right now. Yet the Lord is good in all things.

And yet, the Lord is faithful. He is trustworthy. He will redeem His people.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate. Look at the wonderful world He has created, see the beauty.

It is He who formed the Grand Canyon; the Blue Lagoon, the Dead Sea, Mount Everest. And yet, God, you see me.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate. Let me walk in the knowledge of your security and love. Help me to believe this truth.

A Psalm

The Lord Almighty is my Father,

In my life, you have given me peace

I struggle with the pressure of today, and the toll it has on my heart.

Yet the Lord is constant!

Help me to remember you in those times of trouble.

Surely goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life.

At Field, we’ve spent the summer in a series on the Psalms. Here are a few that we wrote communally to reflect on both our individual and collective experiences. Be encouraged as you read!